Tuesday, 6 September 2011


Today I was at Private Member's Century Club, to give a presentation to 30+ Beauty Editors/Journalists of all the top Women's Magazines , on new product that harnesses the power of blue light to prevent spot causing bacteria and stop them before they develop. It's called Oxy Clearlight and uses exactly the same technology as products with a £200+ price tag, all for a cool £39.99!
It was sent to me this week and i decided to use it on a spot that was about to rear its ugly head, and despite being dubious , it actually stopped the redness, swelling and soreness straight away and then a quick use of it the following morning made it disappear altogether. Quite Marvellous!

It was a press launch today and Oxy Clearlight will be available in the next week or so . . would definitely recommend!

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